A four page pamphlet from the president of the Chamber of Commerce, James D. Turner. It includes his recommendations for the future of the chamber as well as positive messaging about the chamber. This includes defending the chamber's actions againstā¦
A newsletter from the Rotary Club. This edition is a farewell letter from former club president James D. Turner when he and his wife retired to Florida.
A letter from James D. Turner, former president of the Rotary Club, announcing his upcoming travels to Europe. He thanks the rotary club and discusses recent community service.
A statement written by James D Turner praising the work and character of Carlisle Christie after his passing. It particularly highlights his contributions to the Rotary Club.
A newspaper article detailing a conflict between the Bergenfield Chamber of Commerce and the Planning Board. The Chamber of Commerce was accused of acting selfishly. The Chamber countered by saying they are heavily involved in community serviceā¦