A newspaper clipping of an essay contest winner at the Bergenfield Brotherhood Assembly. Pictured are Sam Hassan, Laura Green, Mrs. Jack Herman, Mrs. Milton Gutterson, and Bea James.
A program comemmorating the dedication of a new Lodge for the Bergenfield Elks. It includes a signed letter from the New Jersey Governor, Richard J. Hughes, the Grand Exalted Ruler Robert E. Boney, Past Grand Exalted Elder William J. Jernick, Mayor…
A newsletter for the borough. Updates include construction on the public library, the teen center's schedule for the fall, a report on the summer playground program, and a recap of the library's first summer reading program
A newsletter from the borough all about summer recreation programs, including summer reading at the library, parks, and pools. It also details how to prevent home robberies.
Bergenfield's town newsletter. This edition includes updates on the police, fire department, public library, council's adoption of "rigid regulations on operation of dance halls," parking, billiard rooms, and the cost of snow storms.
Bergenfield's semi-annual newsletter. This edition includes a letter from Mayor William J. Patterson, a thorough breakdown of how tax dollars will be spent, important meeting dates, and a notice for how the borough will notify residents in the event…
The program from the 5th Annual Scholarship Dinner and Dance sponsored by Bergenfield's UNICO chapter. Includes schedule of events, special guests, menu, and chapter members.