A newspaper clipping of an essay contest winner at the Bergenfield Brotherhood Assembly. Pictured are Sam Hassan, Laura Green, Mrs. Jack Herman, Mrs. Milton Gutterson, and Bea James.
A black and white photograph of Bea James giving "The Hugenot Settlement of Scraalenburgh: The History of Bergenfield, New Jersey" to Barbara Schneider to give to her foster parents in Turkey.
A black and white photograph of Mayor William J. Patterson signing a proclamation for UN Day. Bea James and another man are also posing in the photograph.
10 black and white photographs of various events, including what appears to be an awards ceremony, a dinner/reception, and a fair where the library presented at a booth.
A series of black and white photographs featuring many unknown individuals who put on a play or performance on April 10 1962. Includes photos of the actors rehearsing and posing in costume as well as photos of some of the audience, including Mary…