Browse Items
- "A Child's World"
- "Carnival of the Animals"
- "H.M.S. Pinafore"
- "Old Friendship Finds Renewal; 2 Meet Again After Decades"
- ~1925-1930
- 1 black and white photograph
- 12/29/1969
- 1779
- 1784
- 1800s
- 1864
- 1888
- 1890s
- 1891
- 1900s
- 1909
- 1910s
- 1914
- 1915
- 1917-1918
- 1920
- 1920s
- 1921
- 1923
- 1925
- 1926
- 1927
- 1930
- 1930-1931
- 1930s
- 1931
- 1932
- 1933
- 1934
- 1935
- 1936
- 1937
- 1938
- 1939
- 1940
- 1940s
- 1941
- 1942
- 1943
- 1944
- 1945
- 1946
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- 1950s
- 1952
- 1953
- 1953/1954
- 1954
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- 1959
- 1960
- 1960s
- 1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- 1965
- 1966
- 1967
- 1968
- 1969
- 1970
- 1970s
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1978
- 1979
- 1980
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1989
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- 1994
- 1995
- 1997
- 1998
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2006
- 2014
- 4-H Club
- 40th Anniversary
- 45th anniversary celebration
- 50th Anniversary
- 700 Borough Children at PAL Party
- 75: Today Yesterday Tomorrow 1894-1969
- 75th Anniversary
- 75th Anniversary Celebration
- 75th Special Edition
- 76 Retreat of Washington's Army Committee
- 8 x 10
- 8th Annual Report
- 9/11
- A Duffy Co
- A Nice Guy Can Be Plenty Tough Too
- A. Jeanne Altshuler
- A.J. Finocchio
- A&P
- Abe Blomstrigen
- Adam Levin
- Adele Grodstein
- Adrian C. Leiby
- Adrion Gulnick
- Advertisement
- African American Baptist Church
- African American Baptist Church Cemetery
- African American Baptist Church Cemetery Restoration Project
- Agnes Deamer
- Agnes Shapiro
- Airminded Specialist
- Al Thomas
- Alan Carriero
- Alert Fire Hall
- Alert Fire House
- Alex Marchbank
- Alfred "Jack" Christie
- Alfred Barr
- Alfred Christie
- Alice Demarest Little
- All Dressed Up
- All Seasons Chamber Players
- Alumni
- Alumni Exhibition
- American Field Service
- American Legion
- American Red Cross
- Amos Bergman
- An Official Boost for PAL
- Andrea Kivor
- anniversary
- Anniversary-Gram No. 1
- Anniversary-Gram No.1
- Announcements
- Annual Report
- Anthony Finocchio
- Anthony Guarino
- Anthony Libonati
- Anton Gross
- Apartments
- Application
- Appointments
- Archie Spiegelglass
- Art Festival
- Art Show
- Art Shows
- Arthur Brisbane
- Arthur L. McHale
- Arthur Mader
- Artists
- Artists in Residence
- Arts
- Asian Pacific Travel Service
- Assembly for the Future
- Assemblyman Les Carlton
- Athena Lafaro
- Auctions
- August
- August DiSciascio
- Authors
- Automobiles
- Auxiliary
- Awards
- B.C. Soule
- B'nai B'rith
- Bagpipers
- Bahai Spiritual Assemblies of Bergenfield and Dumont
- Bands
- Banks
- Banta
- Barbara Schneider
- Barbara Sturm
- Baseball
- Baseball Starts at New PAL Field
- Basketball
- Basketball League
- Bea James
- Beautify Bergenfield
- Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
- Benjamin Demarest
- Benjamin Dudley
- Bergen Catholic School
- Bergen Community College
- Bergen County
- Bergen County Art Festival
- Bergen County Art Guild
- Bergen County Board of Chosen Freeholders
- Bergen County Board of Freeholders
- Bergen County Cultural Arts Commission
- Bergen County Department of Health Services
- Bergen County Historical Society
- Bergen County Militia & Craft Guild
- Bergen County Office of Cultural and Historic Affairs
- Bergen County School Librarians Association
- Bergen County Tercentenary Committee
- Bergen Evening Record
- Bergen State Bank
- Bergen Valet Inc
- Bergenfield
- Bergenfield 50 Year Residents
- Bergenfield Amateur Art Festival
- Bergenfield Annual Report
- Bergenfield Art Festival
- Bergenfield Arts Chamber Players
- Bergenfield Banks
- Bergenfield Baseball League
- Bergenfield Board of Education
- Bergenfield Borough Calendar
- Bergenfield Borough Council
- Bergenfield Chamber of Commerce
- Bergenfield Chamber Players
- Bergenfield Chapter of UNICO
- Bergenfield Community Museum
- Bergenfield Council
- Bergenfield Council for the Arts
- Bergenfield Dumont Joint Veterans Alliance
- Bergenfield Dumont Police Color Squad
- Bergenfield Elks
- Bergenfield Emblem Club
- Bergenfield Fire Co. No. 2
- Bergenfield Fire Co. No. 2 Inc.
- Bergenfield Fire Company
- Bergenfield Fire Company No 2
- Bergenfield Fire Department
- Bergenfield Garden Club
- Bergenfield Health Department
- Bergenfield High School
- Bergenfield High School Alumni
- Bergenfield High School Art Department
- Bergenfield Historical Association
- Bergenfield History
- Bergenfield Homes
- Bergenfield Junior Women's Club
- Bergenfield Lighting Company
- Bergenfield Lions
- Bergenfield Lions Club
- Bergenfield Little League
- Bergenfield Memorial Post 6467
- Bergenfield Municipal Court
- Bergenfield Museum
- Bergenfield Museum Society
- Bergenfield National Bank
- Bergenfield National Bank and Trust Company
- Bergenfield Optimist Club
- Bergenfield Outdoor Art Festival
- Bergenfield Pistol Team Championship Trophy
- Bergenfield Police Award Ceremony
- Bergenfield Police Dance
- Bergenfield Police Department
- Bergenfield Police Department Borough Hall
- Bergenfield Police Department group photograph
- Bergenfield Police Department Seal
- Bergenfield Police Department Special Event
- Bergenfield Police Event
- Bergenfield Police officer inside station
- Bergenfield Police officers presenting award
- Bergenfield Policemen
- Bergenfield Public Library
- Bergenfield Public Library Board
- Bergenfield Recreation
- Bergenfield Redbook
- Bergenfield Reports to You 7th Annual Report by Your Mayor and Council
- Bergenfield Republican Club
- Bergenfield Rotary Club
- Bergenfield Schools
- Bergenfield Song
- Bergenfield Special Improvement District
- Bergenfield Strawberry Festival
- Bergenfield Tercentenary Committee
- Bergenfield Tercentenary Queen
- Bergenfield Volunteer Ambulance Corps
- Bergenfield Volunteer Fire Department
- Bernard T. Aschenbrand
- Bernice Gessler
- Bert Jimenez
- Bert Van Sams
- Best Marksman Receive Award Lions Club Gives Trophy to Patrolman Smolenski
- Best Type of American Business Man Tribute to Our First Mayor
- Betsey Silverman
- Betty Schmelz
- Bicentennial
- Bicentennial Parade Chairmen
- Bicentennial Tree Planting Committee
- Biography
- Birthday Cake
- Birthday Party
- black and white photograph
- black and white photographs
- Blanche Penniman
- Blanche Strauss
- Blane Gets Captaincy
- Blank
- Blood Bank of Bergenfield
- Blue Laws
- Board of Education
- Board of Trustees
- Bob Westerdahl
- Borough Council
- Borough Hall
- Borough Hall VFW ceremony
- Borough of Bergenfield Municipal Report & Civic Calendar
- Boxing Division Devotes Two Nights Weekly to Training
- Boy Scouts
- Brar V. Riewerts
- Broadway
- Brochures
- Broderick's Flowers and Gifts
- Brookside Gardens
- Bruce Van Tassel
- Brunelle Dance School
- Buddy S. Deauna
- Budget
- Budgets
- Building Code
- business banks
- Business Openings
- Bylaws
- C. Callaway
- C. Donald Jess
- Calendar
- Captain Accepts Police Trophy For His Team
- Captain Bob Kirsch of the Bergenfield Police Pistol Team
- Carl Hollander
- Carlisle Christie
- Carlos Cicchine
- Carol McConnell
- Carol Moses
- Carol Turck
- Carolyn Hager
- Carrie Ungemach
- Carriero-Follari Trio
- Catherine Marchbank
- Catherine Schuster
- Catholic Daughters of America
- Cathy Hermann
- Cats
- Cedar Street
- Cemeteries
- Census Data
- Centenary
- Centennial
- Ceremonies
- Certificate of Appreciation
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Certificate of Participation
- Chamber of Commerce
- Chamber of Commerce Member List
- Chamber of Commerce Members
- Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
- Champs Receive Pennant as Centrals Best
- Charity
- Charles A. Grabowski
- Charles B. Szeglin
- Charles Cooper
- Charles Doudoukjian
- Charles F. McDowell Jr.
- Charles J. O'Dowd Jr.
- Charles Miller
- Charles Schmitt
- Charles Seele
- Charter Night
- Chester Steitz
- Chief Kenneth J Vehrkens
- Chief Vehrke and Lieutenant Blando 25th Anniversary
- Chief Vehrkens
- Chief Vehrkens Retirement Dinner
- Choral Music
- Christie Agency
- Christie Family
- Christie Tavern
- Christine Murphy
- Christmas
- Christmas Eve
- Chuck Lipson
- Churches
- Cindy Horn
- Citation for Safety
- Citizen of the Year
- Citizen's National Bank and Trust Company
- Citizens First Bank of Bergenfield
- Citizens National Bank
- Civil Defense
- Civil Defense Fire Reserves
- Civil Defense Pistol Team
- Clifford Case
- Clifford Wallum
- Clifton S. Wady
- Clubs
- Clyde Christie
- Colonial Musketeers Fife and Drum Corps
- Color photograph
- Community Church of Teaneck
- Community Organizations
- Composition book
- Comprehensive Master Plan
- Comprehensive Master Plan Proposal
- Comprehensive Master Plan Proposals
- Comprehensive Master Plan Proposals 1966
- Concerts
- Conference
- Connecticut
- Constitution and By-Laws
- construction
- Contemporary Woman's Club of Bergenfield
- Contemporary Women's Club Booklet
- Contests
- Cooper's Chair Factory
- Cooper's Pond
- Cooperatives
- Coopers Pond
- Coopertown
- Cornelius Westervelt Tuers
- Corps Completes 3
- Costume Ball
- Council
- Council Chamber
- Council Meeting
- Councilman Charles McDowell
- Councilman Walter A. Hannemann
- Councils
- Councilwoman Kopp
- Councilwoman M. Denise Kopp
- County Board of Freeholders
- Craig Vogt
- Cresskill
- Dancers
- Dances
- Daniel Christie
- Daniel Rosen
- Daniel Slossar
- David Boyd
- David Demarest
- David Riskind Orchestra
- David S. Davies
- December 3 1944
- Dedication
- Dedications
- Demarest
- Democratic Club
- Denis McGee
- Department of Conservation and Development
- Department of Parks
- Diamond Jubilee
- Dinner
- Dinner Dance
- Dinner-Dance
- Directories
- Directory
- Diseases
- Division 1
- Division 2
- Division 3
- Division 4
- Division 5
- Division 6
- Division 7
- Dolores Butler
- Donald C Jess
- Donald H. Townsend
- Donald Waskover
- Donation
- Dow Talema
- Dr Charles Warren Dies in Hospital at Ogdensburg Services Today for Former Bergenfield Mayor Who Was Also School Physician
- Dr. Lombar
- Drama
- Dumont
- Dumont Board of Education
- Dumont Clarke
- Dumont Tercentenary Committee
- E. Howard Foster
- Earl Talbot
- East Artillery Company of New Jersey
- Ed Kantor
- Eddie James
- editorial
- Edmund L. Willis
- Edna Capone
- Edna Thers
- Education
- Edward C. Meyer
- Edward Jackob
- Edward Klaiss
- Edward Noeltner
- Edwin Harvey
- Edwin L. Willis
- Eileen Jamieson
- Elaine Pollack
- Eleanor Burst
- Eleanor K. Byrnes
- Elections
- Elizabeth Allweyer
- Elks Club
- Emblem Club
- Emergencies
- Environmentalism
- Equipment
- Eric Swenson
- ESL Program
- Essay Contest
- Ethel Schneider
- Ethics
- Eugene Jackobsen
- Evelyn Werthan
- Events
- Ex Postmaster and Mrs Stoughton Feted at 50th Wedding Anniversary
- Exchange Students
- Exhibitions
- F&N Deli
- Fabian A. Campeau
- Farm Journal
- FBI Shooting Certificate
- Filipino Immigrants
- Filipino-Americans
- Finley Strunk
- Fire Alarm Signals
- fire company
- Fire Company No. 2
- Fire Department
- Fire Guts Old Railroad Depot Disabled Vets Club
- Fire trucks
- Firefighters
- Fireman's Carnival
- Fires
- First Democratic Mayor Since 1930 Takes Office
- Fishies
- Flags
- floats
- floor plan
- Florence Eberhardt
- Flowers
- Flyers
- Football
- Ford Baker
- formation
- Former Mayor of Bergenfield
- Fortieth Anniversary Brochure
- Fortieth Anniversary of Prospect Fire Company Number One
- Foster Village
- Foster Village Merchants Association
- Foster Village Shopping Center
- Founders Day
- Frances Buono
- Francis Jackson
- Francis R. Engleke
- Frank Bongard
- Frank Caccavone
- Frank Engelke
- Frank G. Maier
- Frank Kearney
- Frank L Jones
- Frank Laffler
- Frank Levy
- Frank Lombardi
- Frank Pego
- Frank Riehl
- Frank Sirubi
- Frank Winch
- Franklin School
- Fred F. Eckes
- Fred Finger
- Fred Motschenbacher
- Fred T. Eckes
- Fred Tuers
- Frederick J. Herles
- Frederick W. Bogert
- Friends of the Bergenfield Library
- Fun Fest
- Fundraising
- Gail Sorkow
- Garbage
- Garden Show
- Gary Blackman
- Gavin Blanc
- Gay Nineties
- Gene Kelley
- General George W. Goethals Post No. 90
- George Bazaz
- George Goetschius
- George Lendrihas
- George O'Connor
- George Rosein
- George W Goethals Post 90
- George Washington
- George Washington Bridge
- George Wolfkiel
- Germans Look at Bergenfield Approve American Way of Life
- Gertrude Lewis
- Gertrude Sugden
- Gil Thomas
- Girl Scouts
- Glenn S. Reeves
- Gold-Moses Post 654
- Golden Anniversary of Prospect Fire Co.
- Government
- Governor Robert B. Meyner
- Grace Parry
- Grand Marshall
- Grand Union
- Gregorio Follari
- group of children
- Gun
- Guy H. Madara
- H. Jeanne Altshuler
- H. Radford Beucler
- Hackensack
- Hackensack Indians
- Halina Pasmonde
- Halloween
- Handwritten
- Hans Schirmer
- Harold Burghard
- Harold E Boyd
- Harold Hollenbeck
- Harold Nafash
- Harold Peter Bogert
- Harriet Hymans
- Harry Izon
- Harry J. Johnson
- Hatteras and the Eastern Shore
- Hawthorne
- Health Department
- Helen Schmidt
- Helene C Herbert
- Henry W. Theis
- Herbert H. Smith Associates
- Herman Bergman
- Hi Neighbor
- high school
- Hiking
- historic buildings
- historic sites
- Historical Committee of Bergenfield
- historical costume
- Historical Reenactors
- history
- History of the Bergenfield Chamber of Commerce
- History of the Teaneck Bergenfield Zonta Club
- Historymobile
- Hockey
- Holidays
- Honor Women Veterans of Bergenfield Program
- Honorary Chairman
- Honored Veterans
- Horace E. Spears
- Horizons Day '76
- Horse Drawn Shay
- Hosts
- Houses
- Housing
- Howard Wieboldt
- Hugh M Gillson
- Hugh M. Gillson
- Illustrations
- Indians
- Inside Bergenfield Vol. 1 No. 1
- Internet
- Invitation
- Italian Festival
- Italian Folk Ensemble
- Jack Christie
- James Byrne
- James D. Turner
- James F. Lodato
- James J. Durning
- James Potente
- Jan. 1
- Jane Sessler
- Janice Fednya
- January 1
- Japan
- Jay Anson
- Jaycees
- Jean Townsend
- Jeanette Greenwood
- Jeanne Ferens
- Jennie M. Baer
- Jennifer Muller
- Jerre Magione
- Jerry D'Imperio
- Jersey City State College Jazz Ensemble
- Jerzy Majcherczyk
- Jewish War Veterans
- Joan Mitchell
- Joan Schaefer
- Joanne Pieschl
- John A. Aveisa
- John Aversa
- John Byrne
- John Cadier
- John Christie
- John Halligan
- John Hancock Insurance
- John O. Zimmerle
- John O'Dowd
- John P. Hennessy
- John Peterson
- John Regan
- John Seymour
- John Sheridan
- Joseph B. Aschenbrand
- Joseph Bastidas
- Joseph De Trussey
- Joseph Dello Russo
- Joseph Hess
- Joseph J Lawlor
- Joseph J. Brennan
- Joseph J. Donovan
- Joseph Orsini
- Josephine Fredericksen
- Journey Into Jazz Quintet
- Joyce Kilmer
- Jr Womans Club Award Bicycle Safety Campaign
- Judge Harvey Sorkow
- Judges
- Judith Dalmas
- Jules Hanson
- Jules Jacobsen
- Jules Orkin
- Julius Gamblee
- July 4
- June A Doyle
- Junior Chamber of Commerce
- Kailash Gupta
- Kareem Hayletts
- Kathleen Donovan
- Kathy Pinella
- Kathy Wallace
- Ken Messner
- Kenneth Van Valen
- Kenneth Vehrkens
- Kenneth Vikilsen
- Kevin M. Clancy
- Kiwanis
- Knickerbocker Country Club
- Knights of Columbus
- Knollwood Hotel
- Know Your Government Week to Include Ex Mayors Talks
- Kris Weldherr
- L.S. Metcalfe
- La Torre Restaurant
- Labels
- Ladies Auxiliary
- Lakeside Choraliers
- Laura Green
- Laurence Quinn
- Laurie Cohen
- Laurie Razen
- Lawrence Troster
- leaflet
- Lectures
- Ledgers
- Leiby
- Leiby House
- Lenni Lenape
- Lenny Rothbart
- Leonard Rothbart
- Letter
- Letterhead
- Letters
- Library Patrons
- Library Programs
- Lieutenant Detective
- Lieutenant Detective Joseph J Lawlor
- Linda Gordon Bang
- Lions Club
- Little League
- Local Organizations
- Locomotives
- Longtime residents
- Loretta Myers
- Lou Green
- Louis Green
- lounge
- Lt Cornelius Westervelt Tuers
- luminaries
- Lyndon Baines Johnson
- Lynn Muller
- M. Brian Bilyk
- M. Denise Kopp
- Mac Hollender
- Machinery
- Main Street
- Major Soil Types Map
- Manuscripts
- Map
- Maps
- Maps. Sports
- Marc Rosen
- Marchbank
- Marching Bands
- Margaret A. Kellogg
- Margaret Erickson
- Marilyn Condini
- Marilyn Mountjoy
- Marion Franz
- Mark Blackman
- Mark Santulli
- Martha Forty
- Martha Weisberg
- Mary A. Colontrelle
- Mary Baxter
- Mary Dee's Feminine Fashions
- Mary Higgins Clark
- Mary Joyce Doyle
- Mary Peterson
- Mary Shannon
- Mary Sidney
- Master Plan Proposals
- Matthew Feldman
- Max Fishermen
- Mayor
- Mayor and Council Chamber
- Mayor Gillson Takes Oath of Office
- Mayor Henry Theis retirement dinner for Chief Vehrkens
- Mayor Hugh Gillson
- Mayor Hugh M Gillson
- Mayor's Bicentennial Committee
- Mayors
- Mayors and Councilman Still Residing in Bergenfield
- Meet and Greets
- Meetings
- Membership drive
- Memo
- Memorial
- Memorial Day
- Memorial Park
- Meyer Advises Town Council and Mayor Shuffles Council Seating
- Michael J. Birkner
- Michael Kuchar
- Michael Shannon
- Michelle Serrano
- Mike Manginelli
- Mildred "Sport" Guerra
- Mildred Gordon
- Military
- Milton L. Johnson
- Mimeograph
- Minutes
- Mr. & Mrs. John Kulp
- Mrs. Catherine Flannery
- Mrs. Edward A. James
- Mrs. Edward Zegarra
- Mrs. Frank Felice
- Mrs. Frank Hamilton
- Mrs. Frederick J. Lipter
- Mrs. George Schaefer
- Mrs. Harry A. Golding
- Mrs. John C. Ryan
- Mrs. Judy Wolinetz
- Mrs. Kitty Feldman
- Mrs. Lillian Bogert Balz
- Mrs. Michael Unger
- Mrs. Robert Cousar
- Mrs. Rolf Peterson
- Mrs. Tuers
- Mrs. Walter Christie
- Municipal Building
- municipal night
- Music
- Musicians
- N.T. Kessler
- Naomi Reich
- Nat Kameny
- Natalie Ghany
- National Library Week
- New Bridge
- New Bridge Road
- New Brunswick
- New Jersey City University
- New Jersey Events Book
- New Jersey Record
- New Jersey Tercentenary Commission
- New Jersey Times
- New Police Car Added to Fleet
- New York Rangers
- Newsletter
- newspaper article
- Newspaper Clipping
- Newt Sneden
- Nita Schneider
- Norman Benac
- Norman Bleshman
- Norman H. Gordon
- Notices
- Noubar Markarian
- NVE Savings Bank
- O.R.T.
- Obituaries
- Obituary
- Office
- Official Flower
- Okinawa
- Old Home Town Night
- Old Home Town Night Program
- Old Mill
- Old Mill Lumber Company
- Old Mill Stream
- Old South Church
- Old Timers Night
- Olivia Elliott
- Open House
- Opening
- Openings
- Opera
- Optometry
- Oral history
- Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 342
- Organizations
- Osbert Ocampo
- Our First Mayor
- Outstanding Citizen Award
- P 1 Bergenfield Reports to You 7th Annual Report by Your Mayor and Council
- Pageants
- Paintings
- pamphlet
- Pamphlets
- Papers and Proceedings
- Paperworks
- parade
- Parades
- Paramus
- Paramus High School
- Paramus Public Library
- Parking
- Parks
- Parties
- Passaic
- Patricia Woodward
- Patrick Duffy
- Patrolman
- Paul Hoffmeister
- Paul Hoverman
- Paul Howard
- Paul Masincup
- Pearl Sorkow
- Peg Erickson
- Per Martin Fosstveit
- Peter Pipines
- Peter S. Van Orden
- Petrus Christie
- Pharmacies
- Phil Lehrman
- Philadelphia
- Photographs
- Photography
- Pierce Deamer
- Pierce H Deamer Jr
- Pierce H. Deamer
- Pistols
- Planning
- Planning 75th Anniversary Celebration
- planning board
- Planning Committee
- Players Guild of Leonia
- Poetry
- polaroids
- Police
- Police Athletic League
- Police Auxiliary
- Police Chief Scott D Coombs
- Police Department
- Police Department 1955
- Poly Musica String Quartet
- population
- Port Authority
- Portraits
- Postcards
- Posters
- Pottery
- Press release
- Proclamation
- Production featuring Bergenfield Police Department
- Program
- Programs
- Proposals
- Prospect Fire Co. No. 1
- Providence College
- Public Health
- Public Library
- Public Works
- Quarantine
- Questionnaires
- Quilts
- R. Zimmerman
- R.G. Holzmacher
- Rabbis
- Raffle
- Railroads
- Ralph Brendel
- Ralph Conte
- Raymond Bateman
- Raymond E. Brower
- Raymond Guellich
- Raymond Wells
- Reception for Bergenfield Artists
- Receptions
- Recipes
- Reconstruction
- Recreation
- Recreation Committee
- Recycling
- Regional Highway Map
- Regional Plan Association
- Regular Democratic Organization of Bergenfield
- Renovation
- Reports
- Republican Club
- Restaurants
- Retirement Dinner
- Reverend John D. Voorhis
- Revolutionary War
- Rich Rainey
- Richard Baroch
- Richard J. Hughes
- Richard J. Larkin
- Richard Lozier Bogert
- Richard Mulhearn
- Richard Tunis Cooper
- Richard Wagner
- Rick Chittum
- Rider University
- Ridgewood Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company
- Riewerts
- Risky Business Bluegrass Band
- Robert Bartley
- Robert Brush
- Robert Burghardt
- Robert E. Kirsch
- Robert F Ulrich
- Robert Gilchrist
- Robert I. Kaplan
- Robert J. Gallione Jr.
- Robert Kirsch
- Robert Laffler
- Robert M. Westerdahl
- Robert Mitchell
- Robert P. Hollenbeck
- Robert Rivas
- Robert Westerdahl
- Roger Fox
- Roger L. Hefferman
- Romania
- Ron Villone
- Ronald Rosen
- Roster
- Rotary Club
- Roy Elsasser
- Roy W. Brown Middle School
- Ruth Klingenstein
- Ruth Radcliffe
- S. John Iwatsu
- Sadie Fishermen
- Safety Patrol Ward
- Salvador "Buddy" Deauna
- Sanitation Department
- Santa Claus
- Sarah Golding
- Scholarships
- Schools
- Schraalenburgh School
- Scott D Coombs
- Second Sussex Militia
- Selma Johns
- Senator Robert C. Crane
- Sergeant C Thomas Peterman
- Sergeant Philip W. McCarthy
- servicemen
- Servicemen's Lounge
- Sewer
- Seymour Schachter
- Sgt Anthony Libonati
- Sheba Rachel John
- Sherri Katz
- shooting range
- Shopping Mall
- Sidney Breyer
- Sig Singer
- signatures
- Simplified Existing Land Use 1964 Map
- Sirubi
- Slogan contest
- Snow
- SoHo
- Sona Kadiwar
- Sonie Hecht
- Sophie Gessner
- South Church
- South Presbyterian Church
- Souvenir Copy
- Speakers' Bureau
- Speeches
- Sports
- Spring
- Spring 1970
- St Johns Memorial Post No 1537
- St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Stamps
- State Senate
- Station Square
- Stella McKenna
- Stephen Giordano
- Steve Stavrou
- Stores
- Street Fair
- Street signs
- Student Loan Fund
- Students
- Summer 1969
- Sundowners Drum and Bugle Corps
- Sunshine Adult Day Care Home
- Surveys
- Susan Agamy
- Susan Dworkin
- Susan Follari
- Suzanne Braun Levine
- Swearing In
- Swearing in Patrolman Joseph DeTourney
- Synagogues
- T. Robert Kammer
- Tag Day
- Tape recorders
- Tappan Indians
- Tax Assessor
- Tax Office
- Taxes
- Tea
- Teachers
- Teaneck
- Teaneck Armory
- Tenafly
- Tercentenary
- Tercentenary Committees
- Tercentenary Medallion
- Teresa Giordano
- Testimonial
- Testimonial Dinner
- The Belle of Amherst
- The Book Stop
- The Car Stereo Company of New Jersey
- the Englewood Press
- The Huguenot Settlement of Schraalenburgh
- the New York Evening Journal
- The Record
- The Rotary Spokesman
- The Sunday Record
- The Woman's Club of Bergenfield Certificates
- The Woman's Club of Bergenfield Letter
- Theatre
- Therese DeFalco
- Thomas Dunn English
- Thomas Prime
- Thomas Stark
- Three Councilmen Are Sworn at Bergenfield Reorganization
- Times Review
- Timothy Driscoll
- Tom A. Warren
- Tommy Fox's Public House
- Torre Tobiassen
- Treasure Hunt
- Trees
- Trucks
- Tunis Cooper
- Tunis Cooper Bogert
- Tunis Richard Cooper
- Twin Boro News
- Twin Boro Park
- Twin Borough Signs
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Navy
- U.S. Postal Service
- Undated
- Union List
- United Girls Athletic League Suburbia
- United Nations
- Vaccines
- Valley Savings and Loans
- Vehicles
- Vernon Cox
- Veteran's Day Ceremonies program
- Veterans
- Viewing Stand
- Vincent DeRico
- Vincent La Iacona
- Vincent M. Filippini
- Virginia Hunter
- Viruses
- Volunteer Ambulance Corps
- Volunteer Fire Department
- Volunteering
- volunteers
- Voting
- W.H. Simonsz
- Walter A Mueller
- Walter Barnie
- Walter Christie
- Walter Hanneman
- Walter Jones
- Walter S. Rosenbaum
- Walter Shaw
- War Department
- War Department Press Release
- War Memorials
- Washington Avenue
- Washington Avenue Businesses
- Washington School
- Wesley E. Megraw
- Wesley Negaw
- West Church Street
- West Germany
- West Nile Virus
- White Beeches Golf and Country Club
- William "Pat" Schuber
- William A. Krause
- William Brown
- William C. Puder
- William H. Buffett
- William J. Patterson
- William Kraus
- William M. Fischer
- William Malanczuk
- William Metje
- William P. Major
- William Parizot
- William Ryan
- William Schuyler Bogert
- William Thorne
- William Wendt
- Woman's Club of Bergenfield
- Women's Club
- Woodbine
- Woodbine Avenue
- World War 2
- World War I
- World War I and World War II veteran
- World War II
- Yearbooks
- Zonta Club of Teaneck Bergenfield papers and records