A planning document for a central business district in Bergenfield. It includes Existing land use maps, parking surveys, economic analysis, parking recommendations, traffic circulation, building and esthetics, and effectuation, as well as other…
A detailed report about the future status of apartment houses in Bergenfield as studied and written in 1960. Includes discussions on the effect of apartment houses on schools, parking, police protection, recreation facilities, fire protection,…
A publication from the Bergenfield Museum Society documenting all of the churches in Bergenfield, including a map of where all of the churches were located, sketches of many of the buildings, and descriptions of the churches and their histories.
A hand drawn map of major streets in Bergenfield. Includes the location of the African American Baptist Church Cemetery, labeled as the "slave cemetery," in relation to major streets in and around Bergenfield.
A newspaper article about Jules Orkin, the owner of the bookstore The Book Stop, who collects historical walking and hiking maps of the New York and New Jersey areas. The article also includes biographical information about Orkin and his love of…