An exhibition of photographs about Bergenfield is on display at the Bergenfield Public Library. Mayor James Lodato declared "Out Town Month." The exhibition is sponsored by the Bergenfield Council for the Arts.
Newspaper clipping of photographs of winners of the Bergenfield Council for the Arts Photography Contest. Winners include Per Martin Fosstveit, Laurence Quinn, Robert E. Kirsch, Paul Masincup, & Paul Howard.
Bergen County is becoming more artistic as towns for organizations to support the arts. The Bergenfield Council for the Arts created a directory of artists in Bergenfield. The Council also holds jazz workshops, art contests, and an annual reception…
The Bergenfield Council for the Arts recently elected officers. Pearl Sorkow, Co-President, Eileen Jamieson, Vice President, Martha Weisberg, Co-President, Marion Franz, Executive Secretary, & Blanche Penniman, Secretary-Treasurer.