The Library is happy to provide Notary Service to our patrons.
Notary Service is available by appointment on weekdays up to 4:30 p.m. Notary Services are not available in the fifteen (15) minutes prior to the time of closing.
Do NOT sign your document before your appointment. You must sign in the presence of the Notary Public.
As of April 20, 2022, all Notary Services must be scheduled via appointment. We will not take walk-ins. We cannot guarantee same day appointments. Please schedule your appointment by clicking the button above.
As of May 1, 2015, the charge for notary services is $2.50 per page, as recommended by the state of New Jersey, Department of the Treasury.
For further details on ID that you need to bring and restrictions that apply to Notary Service at the Library, please review our information sheet on Notary Public Services Policy.