Computers & WiFi
Free computer stations and Internet access is available for use at the Library. We have 6 desktop computer stations in the Reference area and 1 desktop computer in the Young Adult (YA) Room. Every PC station in Adult Reference is equipped with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher and access to the Internet. The YA computers have Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher, and access to the Internet for school projects and assignments. Sign in at the computer with your library card. Guest passes for computers are available with valid ID. Use of public computers is limited to two hours per day. Additionally, you are only permitted one computer session per day.
Printing is available: the cost is 25 cents per page for black and white and 50 cents per page for color.
Bring your laptop or tablet to the Bergenfield Library and use the free WiFi. When you search for computer networks from your laptop or tablet, look for the “BPL-Public” network; no password is necessary.
If you would like to borrow a computer to take home, check out our Library of Things. Bergenfield residents who are 18+ and have library cards in good standing may borrow Chromebooks and other items.
The library is not currently offering computer classes. We recommend checking out DigitalLearn if you would like beginner instruction on using computers and the Internet.
Library computer use is subject to the Library’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy. Computer use by children and teens is subject to the Children and YA Internet Policy.